2012年に設立された地球生命研究所(Earth-Life Science Institute, ELSI)は、日本を代表する理工系大学である東京工業大学に拠点を置く独立研究機関です。ELSIは、惑星と生命の起源と進化を、密接に結びついた相互依存系として研究することを目的としています。天体物理学、地質学、化学、生物学など様々な分野の世界トップクラスの科学者が集まり、専門知識を融合させ、この最も困難な科学的問題に取り組んでいます。詳しくは、ELSIウェブページをご覧ください。
ELSI 大学院地球生命コース
お問い合わせはこちらまで: edu-info [at] elsi.jp ( [at] を @ に置き換え)
4月19日: 地球生命コース入試説明会開催
5月頃: 研究指導を希望する教員に連絡
6月6日〜12日: 東工大への出願期間
7月12日or17日: 選考会(英語での選考会を実施)
7月26日: 選考結果(A日程)の通知
Earth-Life Science A (Chemistry) - Why do chemical reactions occur and what controls their kinetics? We will discuss these questions from the viewpoints of geochemistry, electrochemistry, and materials chemistry. In particular, the lecture will focus on fundamental reactions that are essential for understanding the origin of life and are directly related to global energy and environmental issues (e.g. carbon dioxide fixation). By taking this course, students will acquire state-of-the-art knowledge on the origin of life (more specifically, chemical evolution). By studying the origin of life from multiple perspectives based on thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, electrochemistry, and polymer chemistry, students will acquire the ability to extract the chemical strengths and weaknesses of each theory.
Earth-Life Science B (Biology) - The purpose of this class is to provide students with a wide range of fundamental knowledge in life science and related fields (molecular and cell biology, biochemical engineering, population dynamics, bioenergetics, synthetic biology, astrobiology, etc.). This class is also aimed for students who did not have the opportunity to study life science during their undergraduate period. We expect this class to provide basic knowledge towards becoming an interdisciplinary researcher through the Earth-Life Science graduate course.
Earth-Life Science C (Planetary Science) - The basic ideas of the surface environments and interior structure of the present-day Earth are explained. Earth's formation/evolution as a planet in Solar system is also explained via formation models of Solar system. Solar system explorations and exoplanet observations are also explained. Understanding the Earth as a site of emergence of life to discuss relations to origins of life on the Earth. Extrapolating these understanding to discuss possible life in satellites and Mars in Solar system and in exoplanets.
Research development project for Earth-Life Science M (Collaboration with Industry) - Through group exercises with industries in the fields of space science and life science etc, students learn how to set and solve social problems. In addition to acquiring the basic knowledge necessary for group discussions, students will acquire the skills necessary to implement basic science in society.
Communicating Earth-Life Science to theWorld M (Science Communication) - This course aims to empower students to communicate their research effectively with a diverse audience from scientific community, policy makers to the public at large. The course modules will cover five modules of thought: Public Engagement in Science, Tools for Research Communication, Publishing and Grants in Academia, Policy and Development in Science and Society, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. A key aspect is to provide practical skills and knowledge that students can use throughout their careers. We also aim to show students how science can be a force for positive change in the world, with special attention to issues of poverty, hunger, health, environment, sustainability, social justice, diversity, and equal opportunity. Course content will consist of a mixture of lectures, applied activities, and guest speakers.
中村 龍平 教授
研究室紹介動画:Nakamura Lab
関根 康人 教授
ウェブサイト: http://www.aquaplanetology.jp/sekine/
研究室紹介動画:Sekine Lab
准主任研究者 (共同で研究指導可能**)
Tony Z. Jia
ウェブサイト: scholar.google.com/citations?user=o9KxhswAAAAJ&hl=en
研究室紹介動画 youtu.be/J67PfDDIQ-A
Nathaniel Virgo
ウェブサイト: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=zdfFDPEAAAAJ
***The information on this page is relevant for Japanese students. International students should visit this page for information on how to apply and enroll.